Oct 2, 2012

Maggie Q & A

Many of you have had the privilege of getting to know our pastor's wife, Maggie Dunn! She is a mom of six, ranging in age from 23 years - 5 years with two teenagers in between. Here are some questions I asked her regarding motherhood that you might find insightful and encouraging!

Q.) What do you do to stay connected to your family?
A.) We always make sure we have dinner together around the table as a family. Then during the meal at some point we go around the table and ask everyone a couple questions: "What was the best thing that happened to you today?", "What was the worst thing that happened to you today?" "What would you have done differently today?" We make every effort to make this time a priority and don't schedule meetings or other events during this time. We also make family time a priority and block out time in our calendar where it is just us and the kids. Sometimes it's a movie night or a game night. We try to be very mindful of this.

Q.) Do you have a favorite scripture that has helped you throughout motherhood?
A.) I have different scriptures that have helped me based on different seasons of parenting. But scriptures where it speaks of being Spirit-led (filled with the Spirit and displaying the fruits of the Spirit) have always helped me not to be self-led in my parenting, which is important.

Q.) Is there a mom you look up to as a role model/example?
A.) My mom! I look up to her so much! I can bounce so many things off her and go to her for anything.

Q.) How do you fit in "me-time"?
A.) I am very particular about self-care. I get out my calendar and always plan it month-by-month. I think it is important to have so motherhood doesn't turn into 'martyr syndrome'. I plan lunch with girlfriends, time to go to the gym, get my nails done--things like that. Time-management is a strength of mine. I believe it is important to schedule margins in your life for things like this.

Q.) What is one of your favorite gifts from your kids?
A.) Every birthday I am always brought to tears by their handmade cards. They write letters in them  to me specifically for that year. They have also made coupon books for things around the house like "One free wash the dishes". Also, after a final exam one year the kids made "Congrats mom!" "Way to go, mom!" posters and I didn't feel like I even needed a diploma after that! I love anything handmade by them.

Q.) When you look back at when you were a 1st time mom, what is something you would tell yourself then what you know now?
A.) Don't be so uptight! Just relax, everything will be OK. Don't worry about every little detail--they get in the way. And trust your instincts. 

Q.) Do you have an easy recipe for when you are on-the-go?
A.) I have one for every season it seems. For the fall I always keep some of those soup starter packets they have in the fruits and vegetable isle at Meijer (they have cream of potato and cheesy broccoli which I always stock in the cupboard and have on-hand). I add the vegetables and then get out the George Foreman Grill and make paninis (grilled sandwiches). The kids love it and I get to make them a meal at home that is healthy and we don't miss dinner together.

Q.) What do you think every mom needs to grasp about parenthood?
A.) That you are more than a 'mom'--that can be all-consuming. Don't lose your identity in that. it is very 1-dimensional. It is a part of who you are but not all that you are.

Q.) Do you have a funniest mom-moment?
A.) So many! For us as moms we are utility knife for our kids; we fill so many roles. One night we came home from a date and one of my kids wrote us both notes that were stuck under our pillows. My husband's was "Dear Dad..." filled with wonderful, loving, encouraging words. Then I opened my note, which read: "Mom-- I have a rash."

I hope you enjoyed this Q & A! There is so much we can learn from each other as moms. Maggie is an awesome example to look up to and here you got just a glimpse of that. Maybe you can glean from her strengths of time-management by implementing family time. Perhaps you can schedule a coffee date with her and get some "me-time"of your own!

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