Apr 19, 2013

Are you weary?

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." 
(Matthew 11;28)

I think most moms can relate to being weary at one time or another. Physically or emotionally--sometimes the daily duties of being 'mom' can take its toll on us.

Are you physically weary? Why?

Do you stay up too late? Do you have irregular sleep patterns during the night for one reason or another and deny yourself a needed nap? If you're physically exhausted or even getting sick, rest can help tremendously. And to get that rest you might have to say 'no' to some people or things in order to block in more sleep.

Seriously? Take a nap without feeling guilty about it, especially if you have littles who get up in the middle of the night or who rise before the dawn. I know I have a happier disposition when I am well rested and lose patience faster when I am sleep deprived. And sleep is a gift from God! The Bible says, "he grants sleep to[a] those he loves" (Psalm 127:2). Accept that gift with open arms and a soft pillow!

Some other ideas to help curb physical weariness include:

  • exercise
  • making better food choices (read up on some men in the Bible who reaped the benefits of choosing better eating habits in Daniel 1:3-15)
Are you emotionally weary? Why?

Are you at your 'wits end'? Are you worn out from constant power struggles with your kids and feel like you are failing miserably as a parent? 

A Focus on the Family devotional asks, 
"Do you look at other families and struggle to believe you measure up as a parent? One problem may be that you're comparing your blooper reels with other people's highlights."
You're doing a good job, mama. Beating yourself up for past mistakes is pointless. When I mess up with my kids, I am thankful that God's "love covers a multitude of sins" (1 Peter 4:8). His loving kindness is what keeps me going as a mom and when I fail, He is there with grace and wisdom to teach me a better way (James 1:5; 3:17). He is the ultimate parent, after all.

Does the monotony of repeating the same routines everyday make you feel like more of a robot and less of a person? Have a night out with your husband without the kids. Go out for coffee with a friend. Go out by yourself, even! Plan 'you' time; you are more than just a mom (and definitely not a robot). 

We can tend to emotional weariness through prayer, solitude, having a quiet time, and gaining perspective. Seeking the council of older moms who've been in your shoes and sharing your struggles is helpful as well (Galatians 6:2).  

The demands and duties of being a mom can sometimes wear us down in one way or another. Know that you are not the only one and you weren't meant to do this on your own. God knows and loves our kids more than we ever could. Take care of yourself so you can take care of your kiddos to the best of your ability and "Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7).

Persevere, mama!

Meditate on these encouraging scriptures in your quiet time this week or post them where you can see them for great daily reminders to keep going strong: 
  • Hebrews 10:36
  • James1:2-4 & 12
  • 2 Peter 1:5-8

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