Apr 29, 2014

Whom Shall I Fear?

The morning of our Moms + Kids event God was speaking to me about a lie that I had begun to believe. It was so freeing to see the lie for what it was and yet so maddening at the same time. I had been douped. Instead of a sharing a feel good devo on enduring as a mom and a wife at our play date, God was leading me to share freedom with His bride. 

Doing the Breaking Free study by Beth Moore (it's awesome, pick it up if you haven't yet or do it again--truth is timeless). God uncovered a lie, one that He had freed me from, but I had let it take hold again.

The lie? It's ridiculous. I've even heard it in Christian circles before: I am supposed to have a healthy fear and respect of the devil. 

The truth: the enemy of my soul--who hates me and God, who has no respect for me or my God--the one who only comes to "steal, kill, and destroy" (John 10:10) deserves a healthy fear and respect? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Where is it written?! The Bible says to "Fear the Lord your God, serve Him only..." (Deut. 6:13). 

It is a sick and twisted lie. Think about an abusive, demented kidnapper who demands respect from those they've taken captive. Our enemy doesn't play fair. He's unmerciful and bent on seeing us fail. Why would I ever have a healthy fear and respect for anyone like that?

"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me" (Psalm 23:4). He is with us--we do not have to be afraid. I think of the Israelites and the countless times they were outmatched by their enemies. God did not tell them "just have a healthy fear and respect for your enemy" He told them "do not fear, for I am with you" (Isaiah 41:10)! In fact, the only ones who had reason to be afraid were the ones not on God's side!

Read Psalm 3. Be encouraged, be bold. Know God is with you and you have nothing to fear!

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